SCEN Ambassadors' Conference


On Monday 29 September a group of St George's girls from U5 to 6th form travelled with Mrs Robertson to The Playfair Library at the University of Edinburgh to take part in the SCEN conference. As SCEN stands for Scotland China Education Network, it promotes the learning of Chinese in schools in Scotland.

After arriving in time for some light refreshments, we split up into smaller groups mixing with people from other schools. Dr McClure, former head teacher of St George's, opened the conference and introduced the topics. We then discussed whether we thought SCEN was making progress in their mission and what SCEN and the ambassadors can do now to make a difference to national and local policies affecting the teaching of Mandarin in Scottish Schools.  

The Rt Hon. Lord Wilson of Tillyorn invited the representatives of each table to feed back to the rest of the conference the ideas which had arisen at each of the tables. We all thoroughly enjoyed the conference and found it interesting to hear other people's opinions and ideas on these matters. Josephine and Antonia were awarded their certificates, as they are St George's new SCEN ambassadors. They, along with Wing-Yan, did a great job of chairing the discussions at their tables.

On behalf of all of us, thank you very much, Mrs Robertson, for giving us this opportunity and for accompanying us to this event.

Charlotte, St George's School


Confucius Institute Distinguished Lecture Series - Farmland for Farmers


SCEN Conference - Edinburgh Zoo