Try to win your own journey on the Silk Road, or Trip to Beijing and Xi'an

Victory television produces the BBC One Saturday night entertainment show ''Win your Wishlist'',  hosted by Shane Ritchie.  In the show couples from across the UK get the opportunity to win a personalized package of dream prizes, by answering general knowledge questions against a timer. They need contestants for the new series and would love to hear from confident and interesting people who enjoy a challenge. 

The prizes on the programme are a reflection of the contestant couples' interests and passions. This means that while the show is a Saturday night entertainment programme, it's very important to the producers that the couples they feature come from many different backgrounds, occupations and hobbies, to show the interesting diversity of people around the UK and to allow us to have a whole range of different prizes week to week.  

If anyone would like to request further details or an application form, they can do so by emailing Victory Television at with ''For the Casting Producer'' in the subject line. 

Details of the show and how to apply can also be found on the BBC Site here:


Learning Chinese with the Open University


Photos of the Celebration of Chinese Event at the Brunton Theatre, Musselburgh