Poster Art of Modern China

Would your pupils like an outing?


The Confucius Institute for Scotland at the University of Edinburgh wants to make sure that all SCEN members are aware of a superb exhibition on Poster Art of Modern China which will run from 6th June to 12th July 2014 in Adam House, Chambers Street, Edinburgh.  

The exhibition is open daily from 10am-6pm, and entry is free. Frances Christensen, General Manager, says that it is eminently suitable for middle and senior phase school students. 

Frances says that the exhibition gives a comprehensive overview of China's history across the last century via a highly accessible medium,  comprising as it does 133 original posters on loan from the Propaganda Poster Art Centre, Shanghai.

Please see the microsite for more idea of the content.  There is a wealth of useful information in the More Information section. 

As well as an e-flyer for the exhibition which you might wish to use to make your students aware of this exhibition, also attached is a letter which gives information about special group tours for schools - also free but booking requested.


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