British Council English Language Assistantships in China

The deadline to apply for a British Council English Language Assistantship in China is 14 February 2014. The programme offers paid teaching placements starting in August 2014. Students and graduates gain international experience in one of the world's fastest growing economies and a range of transferable skills to boost their employability. Assistants receive a full induction (with language and teaching training), reimbursement of travel and accommodation for free. The programme is open to students and graduates of any academic discipline. Knowledge of Mandarin and teaching experience is not required. Placements usually last ten months.

Please visit the website for full details on eligibility and applications and for information on opportunities in other countries.  (Flyer can be downloaded from the link on the right hand side of this page)

Please contact if you have any specific enquiries.


Jobs Offered & Wanted


Teaching in China